Friday, March 9, 2012

Favorite Finds!

It's always fun to show off your (and ours!) favorite finds of this season's sale! For the bloggers, shoes seem to be the theme this spring. Oh, and we each also bought a STACK of clothes for our kiddos, but the shoes were great! Take a peek...

These super cute sandals were the favorite of one very sweet seven year old...

Um, Sanuks? Looking hardly worn (yes, they have a "worn" look, but that's how they are made if you aren't familiar with Sanuks. I know, I sound crazy, just go with me here)! Sanuks are E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E, so I was thrilled to find these for my little guy, and he was really excited to have shoes "just like Daddys!" (**This particular style retails for almost $50!)

How about a great pile of cute girl clothing, all in great condition!

How did you do at the spring sale this year? Want to show off your favorite items? Let us know!

**And don't forget! Tomorrow is 50% off all items not marked with a STAR!**

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